The animated film "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse" took the world by storm when it was released in 2018. The movie introduced audiences to a diverse group of web-slingers from different dimensions, each with their unique abilities and personalities.
One of the standout aspects of the film was its incredible voice cast. In this blog post, we will explore who are the talented actors behind the voices of the beloved characters from "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse."
The Voice Actors
Miles Morales / Spider-Man (Shameik Moore)
Shameik Moore is an American actor and singer known for his roles in "Dope" and Netflix's "The Get Down." He lent his voice to Miles Morales, a teenager from Brooklyn who becomes the new Spider-Man.
Peter B. Parker / Spider-Man (Jake Johnson)
Jake Johnson, best known for his role as Nick Miller on the sitcom "New Girl," portrayed the older and jaded version of Peter Parker from an alternate reality. He brought a unique charm and humor to the character.
Gwen Stacy / Spider-Woman (Hailee Steinfeld)
Hailee Steinfeld, an Academy Award-nominated actress and singer, voiced Gwen Stacy, also known as Spider-Woman or Ghost-Spider. With her strong and confident performance, she made Gwen a fan favorite among viewers.
Peni Parker / SP//dr (Kimiko Glenn)
Kimiko Glenn, known for her role as Brook Soso in the Netflix series "Orange Is the New Black," voiced Peni Parker. She portrayed a Japanese-American teenager who pilots a psychically-powered mech suit.
Peter Porker / Spider-Ham (John Mulaney)
John Mulaney, a popular comedian and former writer for "Saturday Night Live," provided the voice for Peter Porker, a pig version of Spider-Man from a cartoon universe. Mulaney's comedic timing and wit added another layer of entertainment to the film.
Aunt May (Lily Tomlin)
Lily Tomlin, an acclaimed actress and comedian, voiced Aunt May in "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse." Her portrayal of the caring and wise guardian of Peter Parker made the character even more endearing.
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