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The Ultimate Guide to Totally 80s Costumes

Totally 80s Costumes

The 1980s were a time of bold fashion choices, vibrant colors, and unforgettable music. The decade is known for its unique sense of style that continues to inspire and influence fashion trends today. When it comes to dressing up for a themed party or Halloween, nothing captures the spirit of the 80s quite like a totally 80s costume.

At Costume Shop, we offer a wide selection of totally 80s costumes that will transport you back in time and help you embrace the iconic fashion of the era. Whether you want to channel your inner Madonna or rock out like David Bowie, we have the perfect costume to make you feel like you're living in the 80s.

What Makes an 80s Costume?

When it comes to creating an authentic 80s look, there are a few key elements to consider. The 80s were all about excess and pushing boundaries, so don't be afraid to go bold with your costume choices. Here are some essential components of a totally 80s costume:

  • Bright Colors: From neon pinks and electric blues to vibrant yellows and bold greens, the 80s were all about standing out. Incorporate these eye-catching colors into your costume to capture the essence of the decade.
  • Big Hair: The 80s were known for their gravity-defying hairstyles. Tease your hair or wear a wig to achieve that iconic voluminous look. Add some colorful hair accessories or a headband for extra 80s flair.
  • Statement Accessories: Accessorizing was key in the 80s. Think big, chunky jewelry, oversized sunglasses, and fingerless gloves. Don't be afraid to layer on the accessories to create a truly 80s-inspired ensemble.
  • Leg Warmers and Neon Tights: Leg warmers were a staple in the 80s, worn with everything from skirts to leggings. Pair them with bright neon tights for an added pop of color.
  • Shoulder Pads: The 80s were all about power dressing, and nothing says power like exaggerated shoulder pads. Whether you choose a blazer or a dress, make sure it has some serious shoulder padding.

Now that you know the basics, let's dive into some iconic 80s costume ideas that will make you the star of any party.

1. Madonna

Madonna Costume

Madonna was the undisputed queen of the 80s and her fashion choices continue to inspire today. To recreate her iconic look, start with a black corset top, a tulle skirt or leggings, and fingerless lace gloves. Complete the look with some chunky jewelry, a crucifix necklace, and a bow in your hair. Don't forget to strike a pose!

2. Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson Costume

No 80s costume list would be complete without the King of Pop himself. To channel Michael Jackson, opt for a black or red leather jacket, a white button-down shirt, and high-waisted pants. Add a single sequined glove, a fedora hat, and some aviator sunglasses to complete the transformation. Now you're ready to moonwalk!

3. Cyndi Lauper

Cyndi Lauper Costume

Cyndi Lauper's quirky style and infectious energy made her an 80s icon. To dress up as Cyndi, start with a brightly colored tulle skirt or a multi-layered neon dress. Pair it with mismatched socks, high-top sneakers, and a big bow in your hair. Don't forget to add some funky accessories, like a statement necklace and colorful bangles.

4. David Bowie

David Bowie Costume

David Bowie was a true fashion chameleon, known for his daring and eclectic style. To pay homage to the legendary musician, go for a bold jumpsuit or a metallic suit. Add a colorful wig, some platform boots, and dramatic makeup inspired by his iconic Ziggy Stardust persona. With this costume, you'll become the life of the party.

5. Punk Rocker

Punk Rocker Costume

The 80s punk rock scene was all about rebellion and individuality. To create a punk rocker costume, start with ripped jeans or a plaid skirt. Pair it with a band t-shirt, a leather jacket, and combat boots. Add some studded accessories, like a choker necklace and spiked bracelets, to complete the edgy look.

Where to Find Totally 80s Costumes

If you're ready to embrace the totally awesome fashion of the 80s, look no further than Costume Shop. We offer a wide range of totally 80s costumes that will make you feel like you've stepped back in time. With our selection of high-quality costumes and accessories, you'll have everything you need to create an authentic 80s look.

Our online store is easy to navigate, making it simple to find the perfect costume for your next event. We offer a variety of sizes and styles to suit any individual's needs and preferences. Whether you're attending a themed party, a Halloween event, or simply want to relive the nostalgia of the 80s, our totally 80s costumes are sure to impress.

At Costume Shop, we prioritize customer satisfaction and strive to provide excellent service. We offer fast shipping options to ensure that your costume arrives in time for your event. Our knowledgeable customer service team is also available to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to rock a totally 80s costume and stand out from the crowd. Visit Costume Shop today and let us help you transport yourself back to the iconic era of the 1980s!

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