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The Ultimate Guide to 80s Glam Rock Makeup

The Ultimate Guide to 80s Glam Rock Makeup | Costume Shop

Welcome to the Costume Shop blog! In this article, we will take you on a journey back to the iconic era of glam rock in the 80s. Glam rock was all about bold fashion, extravagant hairstyles, and, of course, glamorous makeup. If you're looking to channel your inner rockstar and create an unforgettable look for your next costume party or event, you've come to the right place.

Why Choose 80s Glam Rock Makeup?

Before we dive into the step-by-step guide on how to achieve the perfect glam rock makeup look, let's talk about why this style is still so popular today. The 80s glam rock era was all about self-expression and pushing boundaries. It was a time when artists like David Bowie, Queen, and Def Leppard ruled the stage with their flamboyant outfits and striking makeup.

By choosing 80s glam rock makeup, you are embracing a style that is bold, confident, and unapologetic. It's a way to stand out from the crowd and make a statement. Whether you're attending a costume party or simply want to add some rockstar flair to your everyday life, this makeup look is sure to turn heads and make you feel like a true rock icon.

Getting Started: The Essentials

Before we dig into the step-by-step process, let's go over the essential products you'll need to recreate the 80s glam rock makeup look:

  • Foundation: Choose a foundation that matches your skin tone or go for a shade lighter to achieve a more dramatic look.
  • Concealer: Use concealer to hide any blemishes or dark circles under your eyes.
  • Eyeshadow: Opt for bright and bold colors like electric blue, neon pink, or metallic silver.
  • Eyeliner: A thick cat-eye liner is a must for the glam rock look.
  • Mascara: Go for volumizing mascara to achieve that wide-eyed, dramatic effect.
  • Blush: Choose a bright blush color like hot pink or coral.
  • Lipstick: Bold and vibrant shades like red, purple, or even black are perfect for the glam rock aesthetic.
  • Highlighter: Add some extra shimmer and glow to your look with a highlighter.
  • Glitter: Don't be afraid to incorporate glitter into your makeup look for that extra sparkle.

Now that you have your essentials ready, let's move on to the step-by-step guide on how to achieve the perfect 80s glam rock makeup look.

Step 1: Prep Your Skin

Start by cleansing and moisturizing your face. This will create a smooth canvas for your makeup application. Apply a primer to help your makeup last longer and minimize the appearance of pores.

Step 2: Create a Flawless Base

Apply your foundation evenly all over your face, blending it well into your jawline and neck. Use a concealer to cover any blemishes or dark circles under your eyes. Set your base with a translucent powder to prevent shine.

Applying foundation

Step 3: Define Your Eyes

For the glam rock look, we want to focus on bold and dramatic eyes. Start by applying a bright and vibrant eyeshadow color all over your eyelids. Don't be afraid to go heavy on the color and extend it beyond your crease for a more dramatic effect.

Next, apply a thick cat-eye liner using a black or dark-colored eyeliner. Extend the liner beyond your eye for that iconic rocker look. Finish off your eyes with multiple coats of volumizing mascara to achieve that wide-eyed effect.

Applying eyeshadow

Step 4: Add Some Color to Your Cheeks

Glam rock makeup is all about vibrant colors, so don't shy away from adding some bold blush to your cheeks. Use a bright blush color like hot pink or coral and apply it to the apples of your cheeks, blending it upwards towards your temples.

Applying blush

Step 5: Rock Your Lips

Finish off your glam rock look with a bold lipstick shade. Opt for vibrant colors like red, purple, or even black. Apply the lipstick evenly to your lips, making sure to define your lip shape.

Applying lipstick

Step 6: Amp Up the Sparkle

No glam rock look is complete without a touch of glitter. Apply some glitter to your eyelids or cheekbones for that extra sparkle and shine. You can also add a shimmery highlighter to your cheekbones, brow bone, and down the bridge of your nose.

Adding glitter

Final Touches: Hair and Outfit

Now that your makeup is on point, it's time to complete your 80s glam rock transformation with the right hairstyle and outfit. Big hair with lots of volume, teased bangs, and colorful accessories are all key elements of the glam rock style. Pair your striking makeup with a leather jacket, ripped jeans, or a sequined dress to fully embrace the rockstar vibe.

Ready to rock the stage with your 80s glam rock makeup? Visit Costume Shop to find the perfect glam rock costume and accessories for your next event. With their curated costumes, 24/7 customer service, and timely delivery with tracking, Costume Shop is your go-to destination for all things costumes. Get ready to unleash your inner rockstar!

We hope this ultimate guide to 80s glam rock makeup has inspired you to create a bold and unforgettable look. Now go grab your makeup brushes and let your inner rockstar shine!

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